Digital Marketing Strategies to Utilize During COVID-19

Digital Marketing Strategies
The economy has shifted, U.S. stock has fallen, stay-at-home orders are in effect and businesses have been greatly impacted, all due to the coronavirus.

All nonessential business establishments have been ordered to close their doors causing thousands to, if possible, work remotely. In this time of crisis, businesses seem to be searching for ways to survive COVID-19. Individuals and businesses wonder, will things ever go back to normal? If so, when?

Well the answer is yes. Things such as the economy, stock and businesses will eventually go back to normal. The undetermined answer is when. It’s an outcome that can be altered by several different variables.

We recommend that businesses implement these digital marketing strategies to remain successful during and after the coronavirus.

Digital Marketing During The Coronavirus

  1. Connect With Your Audience On Social Media

At a time like this, staying connected with your audience is crucial. The best way to do this is through social media.

However, due to how sensitive this time is, it’s important to provide a human connection with your followers. Don’t be too salesy or pushy, instead offer support and guidance to your audience. Show empathy, share posts that help your users. Whether it be a post on the virus or what your brand is doing to help clients during this time, offer that human connection through social media.

  1. Maintain and Grow Your Brand’s Online Presence

Stated previously, nonessential businesses have been ordered to close their doors which means that for the time being, everything must be online. Now more than ever, brand’s must maintain and grow their online presence. How the brand is represented and portrayed online can lead to new clients or customers.

Since everything is online, search traffic has increased dramatically just in the past few weeks and it will continue to increase in the next coming weeks. Utilize SEO strategies or PPC campaigns to remain at the top of the Google search page.

Google Ads Can Be Pivotal 

For businesses that need new clients and sales quickly, Google Ads is the answer. Paid search ads allow businesses to appear on the first page of Google. Considering that advertisements on the first page of Google are more likely to be clicked on, this is crucial.

Since the coronavirus hit, CPCs have decreased significantly and will likely continue to do so. This is a great opportunity for businesses to put more into paid advertising, gain traction and boost online sales.

For those with active ad accounts, Google has pledged $340 million in ad credits to small and mid-size businesses. This is huge for businesses that are looking to increase their PPC campaign budget but don’t have the money.

  1. Strengthen SEO Efforts

While SEO is considered the long-ball game, it’s still important for businesses to update their website and content according to SEO best practices. This is just one way that businesses can remain up-to-date and when the economy does become normal again, they won’t find themselves falling behind competitors.

What you choose to do today with your SEO strategy, whether it’s increase or decrease the budget, will greatly affect your business in the next three months. By strengthening your SEO efforts, you can improve your business’ organic search in the upcoming months.

  1. Provide Resources To Customers

To help keep the revenue coming in, we recommend offering discounts or promotional services to clients. Analyze your clientele, determine what they may be searching for in the marketplace and provide that service or product at a discounted rate. Since several individuals aren’t making the same income they were just a few weeks ago, they are most likely online searching for discounts and other ways to save money. This is not only an opportunity to provide your company with revenue, but it can also help your clients financially.

Once you have established the promotional, limited time offer, advertise it across PPC channels. It’s a great way to get your product online, to a large audience quickly and efficiently.

Currently, Hyperlinks Media is offering discounted digital marketing services to current and new clients. To learn more about our discounted services, contact us today.

  1. Remain Honest With Clients

Honesty is the best quality. Customers expect the truth from their favorite, most-followed brands. The COVID-19 crisis is a perfect time to provide clients with the honesty that they are looking for. Whether it’s through weekly newsletters, emails or social media posts, it’s important to let your audience know what the coronavirus is doing to your business. How has it affected the structure? If you’re a digital marketing agency, will this put a hold on new projects? Will it delay tasks? What is the company doing to ensure that they are providing the best possible service to its clients during COVID-19?

This is where regular newsletters or email blasts come in handy. Provide your customers with as much information as possible. This creates a relationship and trust between the individual and the business and ultimately creates loyal customers.

  1. Don’t Make Detrimental Changes To Business Structure

The coronavirus will pass and the U.S. will return to a new normal. Do not make detrimental changes to your business for a temporary problem. While the economy has shifted, it will eventually return to normal, as will the marketing industry. Do not cancel existing SEO or PPC campaigns, this will only delay your success once the virus passes.

  1. Get Caught Up On Tasks

It’s quite possible that you have a little bit of free time now that COVID-19 prohibits you from traveling to work or conferences. Use this downtime as a chance to get caught up on existing tasks that you have fallen behind on. Maybe your website has needed a redesign, new landing pages or updated, SEO friendly content. Now is the perfect time to catch up on those tasks. Review previous or current digital marketing strategies and campaigns. Analyze data, areas of improvement or successful campaigns that can be recreated once the business structure returns to normal.

Right now we are offering discounted rates to help businesses with their digital marketing during COVID-19. Contact Hyperlinks Media and let us help strengthen your online presence. 

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