Google Ad Grant for Kingdom Minded People

mission more

As part of our MISSION:MORE nonprofit divisionHyperlinks Media strives to provide 501(c)(3) organizations with resources and discounted services and connect them with corporations that do the same.

Of these resources is the Google Ad Grant, a $10,000 / month in-kind donation used for Google advertising. Recently, we obtained the Google Ad Grant for Kingdom Minded People, a faith-based nonprofit organization.

Kingdom Minded People

Spreading joy through the word of the gospel, Kingdom Minded People is a community of individuals coming together to worship. Led by Pastor Gene and Lady Gail Johnson, Kingdom Minded People worship both at the Pleasant Hill Church of Deliverance and The Divine Connection Church.

Offering more than sermons and worship, Pastor Gene and Lady Gail Johnson founded the Pleasant Hill Prison Outreach Ministry, High Achievers Learning Center, The Rapha Counseling Center and several other ministries providing support to the local community.

Google Ad Church Grant for Kingdom Minded People

Hyperlinks Media will utilize the $10,000 / month Google Ad Grant to promote Kingdom Minded People’s ministries, children’s learning center, monthly events, and fundraising drives. As part of the marketing campaign, we will also advertise their churches on Google search pages using relevant ads to help increase website traffic, new memberships, school enrollment, donations and more.

By advertising these programs and their churches, we will boost their online reach and expand their digital presence.

MISSION:MORE for Nonprofits

Our MISSION:MORE program offers several benefits to nonprofit members including, but not limited to:

  • Google Certified Partner
  • Google Ad Campaign Management
  • Google Ad Grants
  • Discounts on Facebook, Shopify and Google
  • Discounts on Hyperlinks Media Services
  • Additional Benefits Added Regularly

We are dedicated to giving back to the community and leveraging our creativity to support society in a meaningful way.

Our mission is to help nonprofits succeed online through digital marketing while also connecting them to the world’s largest network of corporations that offer grants, sponsorships and services at discounted rates.

If you are an eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit and would like to learn more about or become a member of MISSION:MORE, contact us or call 281-693-5372.


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